Historical Link, LLC is a historic architectural consulting firm providing historic preservation and cultural resource services, including National Register nominations, reconnaissance and intensive historic architectural surveys, Section 106 + environmental process guidance, and mitigation documentation. These services are available to provide timely solutions to a range of clients, such as government agencies, private property owners, non-profit organizations, and professional firms.

With over fifteen years of experience working as a historian and architectural historian in the world of cultural resource management and historic preservation, Libby Cavanaugh Wielenga founded Historical Link, LLC to connect clients with the historic architectural services needed for their projects to succeed. That success may necessitate weaving through the Section 106 process with a historic architectural survey or navigating the path of nominating a property to the National Register of Historic Places - project completion looks different for everyone. To accomodate all types of projects, Historical Link, LLC will team up with other professionals, such as archaeological and engineering firms, to meet the needs of all clients. With this flexibility and range of available services through Historical Link, LLC, you’ll find the solution for your individual project.

Libby’s experience with historic preservation and cultural resource management originated while working for the Iowa Department of Transportation, where she conducted historic architectural reviews, provided project management, and ensured Section 106 compliance. During her time working for the Iowa State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), Libby reviewed and consulted on state and federal projects involving effects to the built environment. While at the Iowa SHPO, Libby also aided in the development of the E-SHPO online portal and the draft Guidelines for Historic Architectural Survey in Iowa. As a private consultant, Libby has completed National Register nominations, reconnaissance and intensive historic architectural surveys, Section 106 guidance, and mitigation documentation.

Libby enjoys completing historic architectural services to support the needs of the client and provide balance to all cultural resource and historic preservation projects throughout the state of Iowa. Formerly based out of the northwest corner of the state, Libby currently operates Historical Link, LLC from central Iowa.

Professional Standards: 

Libby Cavanaugh Wielenga, the principal at Historical Link, LLC, exceeds the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards set for the industry under History and Architectural History (per 36 CFR 61). Libby earned her Master of Arts degree in American History from Iowa State University after completing her undergraduate degree in History and Communications at Buena Vista University. 

Libby Cavanaugh Wielenga, Principal

Historian & Architectural Historian